ScaleForge has emerged as an independent entity from its roots within High Output Ventures (HOV). Originally established as a small team under HOV in 2014, ScaleForge has grown tremendously, harnessing its expertise and passion for transformative and expert scalability solutions to empower businesses on their path to success. From the very beginning, ScaleForge quickly gained recognition for taking on critical engineering projects and cutting—edge industry practices. As our accomplishments multiplied, we recognized the need for an independent identity to fully express our unique mission and capabilities.
In 2023, ScaleForge embarked on an exciting new chapter, spinning off as an independent software company while maintaining a close partnership with HOV. This transition allows us to fully focus on our core mission of shaping the future of the software industry through scalability solutions and delivering exceptional results for our clients.
Infinite Curiosity
We have an insatiable thirst for knowledge and growth. We embrace curiosity, seeking new perspectives and continuously expanding our horizons.
Unwavering Integrity
We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards. Our actions are guided by integrity, building trust with our clients, partners, and colleagues.
Relentless Innovation
We embrace a culture of continuous innovation, constantly seeking new possibilities and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
Adaptive Resilience
We embrace change with adaptability and resilience, proactively seeking opportunities for growth and embracing challenges as catalysts for transformation.
Masterful Craftmanship
We take great pride in our work, approaching every project with a commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail.
Meet our dedicated team of experienced professionals who will bring deep expertise and a passion for excellence to every project. We take pride in our commitment to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of industry trends.
Roger Madjos
Engineering Director
Christopher Clint Pacillos
Engineering Manager
Khem Arvin Oco
Project Manager
Arjay Sitoy
Engineering Manager
John Michael Roa
Backend Engineer
Faithtrex Brigole
Software QA Engineer
Leo Malaya Jr.
Backend Engineer
Arriele Ancheta
Engineering Manager - SQA